Short Funny Joke Definition
Source( of The following funny quotes and short inspirational sayings are written by me and only a few of them are the famous quotes by some great but unknown people. Feel free to put these quotations on your T-shirts, posters, Facebook statuses or tweet them on your Twitter, but do not forget to credit this page.
Shut up in work and report the boss.
A teenage guy’s life is all about operating beautiful girl’s impressions.
Nowadays students prefer Facebook Timeline on their study timetable.
I read an article last night and stats say, after a breakup the guy is most likely sleeping with a girl by the next week. Then I see all these girls on Facebook with their pictures and post and I laugh because you are all the rebound victims.
A divergence between a boss and a girlfriend is only your viewpoint.
When you break-up with someone, who says, "No I don't accept that" They feel all tough, until they're on your front porch, crying, in the rain, and you shut the porch light off on them, and lock the door.
There is always a stupid who has to mess up the plan.
Depression is not a joke and many people die from just that.
Love is like a basketball game, you need to call for time-out when you know it's time to rest.
All you need in a relationship is cheating and courage, and then divorce is sure.
The best way to make your wife happy is to surrender your dreams.
Time can heal all wounds including fail Photoshop accidents.
If you need to take a break from the anxiety of your married life, a legal divorce is often what you need.
Acne is my friend since puberty.
I don't like rich people... or rich... or people.
Demotivational posters always motivate my subconscious.
You cannot hate Monday if you want to beat Bill Gates.
I have tried to keep my mouth shut about so many different things. But maybe I’ve come to the point that I don’t care. For those of you, who still can’t get over the fact that a boss is always right, shut up already. It’s over and done.
I love how some people think jail is a joke and they can't get caught.
Men's creative minds always come in action after their breakups.
Life, I want to tell you, you were better before computers, Facebook and cell phones.
I eat a cupcake every day, because it's someone's birthday somewhere.
I hate girls, I could never have a girlfriend, and I haven’t broken up with all the beautiful girls yet.
American politics can be so amazing when you begin to look at it with the mind of an African man.
I am a fool and I am happy because intelligence giving nothing but worries.
Short Funny Joke Pictures Images Photos 2013

Short Funny Joke Pictures Images Photos 2013

Short Funny Joke Pictures Images Photos 2013

Short Funny Joke Pictures Images Photos 2013

Short Funny Joke Pictures Images Photos 2013

Short Funny Joke Pictures Images Photos 2013

Short Funny Joke Pictures Images Photos 2013

Short Funny Joke Pictures Images Photos 2013

Short Funny Joke Pictures Images Photos 2013

Short Funny Joke Pictures Images Photos 2013

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